Start With Something New
A new blogger that doesn't know about anything and need advice from other people... yea that's me

Bulletin Post From Darrell

By Joey Ronald John Lee
Date: Tuesday, 29 April, 2008 12:14 AM
Subject: membeRs of taMbunan Trip
i as tHe heaD of teRRoriSt iN tHis tRip heReby sTate daT tHe quOte oF thE tRip iS noNe oTher tHan..
'Ui, sEpa keTuk maCam taiK tUe??'
FirST RUnnER Up iS
'Kuat Lg, kuAt Lg...'
2Nd rUnner uP
'tOk tOk tOk'
eVentHough we oNy spEnt 3 daYs.. it
was tHe tiMe of ouR liFe rYte??
waTever iT is, we fOrgive u braNd!!
peAce guYs...

p/s : yeap..... saya maaf kan kau brandon xp

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