Connection "sot" in here haih!!
Yeap it's kinda like "budu" when there's no internet connection. You know me la wei! no internet for one day boleh gila already. Yea thank God la saya tidak pi register the celcom broadband. Kalau tidak terbang RM799. Nasib-nasib la itu usb tidak dapat connect xp. Anyway, kelas kami suda start "ASSIGNMENT". Now ah kalau tidak buat nota tidak kena marah leh! Bukan macam masa sekolah menengah dulu kalau tidak siap nota kena rotan hahahaha. Najeeb di sebeleh saya hahaha. And yea now d hostel perempuan xp. Banyak liang moi hahaha. Wah here ah in UCS, only me and najeeb bumiputera. The rest ah? banyak cina hahaha. So yea hope jangan sangkut la kan xp. Now architecture class ada 4 subjects. Comm, english language, building by laws and ..... yea i lupa xp sebab saya d hostel perempuan mah so tiada jadual here leh!! hahaha erm.... so yea ini mau kasi lama2 punya post. Pasal tiada masa suda mau connect. Maybe la masa weekends. hehehe so yea that's all for now. Salam sayang from Joey and Najeeb to all friends in sabah. YOOOO!!! Mati katai (mati kita) xp yea sarawak slang xp