Adeh, handsome boy!
So the story goes like this. I went to church just now with few friends then after the mass Miss L, Miss S and my self went out the church. Then suddenly, this guy who proclaim that he is handsome boy in fs group (which I don't think I want to mention the group) approaching me and start mad at me. The thing is, I wonder what is he talking about. He was "Joey kau kan yang komen dalam fs yang 'handsome kah kau?'" ("Joey, you are the one who comment in fs 'are that handsome?'). I replied to him that that was not me! and I am totally pissed off because he keep looking at me like he wants to eat me. Adeh! Then he keep on saying something that out of the topic. Come on man! dont do something like that in church area. If you really want to have face to face conversation, then pick a place that only you and me to speak. Not the place like church. Sigh! Anyway, may God bless you!